Thursday, February 14, 2008

Our New House?

We have this house in escrow. We are just waiting to see if we'll get the loan from the bank. If so, we should close the deal at the end of March. It's just down the hill from where we are now, so we'd be staying in Manoa. The lot is about 10,500 sq. ft., and the interior nearly 2,600 sq.ft. I won't say here how much it costs, but boy, does that space sound good.


Dave Cole said...

Looks like a great place, be sure & post some more pics if you get it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, John! Hope you get it. You guys are going to thing you've died and gone to heaven with all that space to roam around in!

I second Dave's comment -- make sure you post some more pics if you get it. Looks great!