Friday, October 5, 2007

John Jr. - Soccer pics

A few pics of Johnny playing for his new soccer club.

The first two remind me of a comment a parent from his old club - the Riggers - made about John. He was double rostered to a younger (his own age group) team there too, and didn't know those players very well, and so, as usual didn't say much. The parent said: "John is like a Clint Eastwood character. He comes to the field, puts his bag down, plays focused and intense, scores goals, and wins games. When its over he picks up his bag and leaves. No smiles, no words - it's all business."

He can certainly seem like that sometimes. His play is very focused - you can see his brows furrowed most of the time - and he is pretty quiet. His coaches and I always say more communicating on the field will make him a better player and help his team. Anyway, I have a blast watching him play, and am very proud of him.
He played his old team -the Riggers - last week (above). He enjoyed seeing some of his friends he hasn't seen in a while.
John is usually one of the smallest on the field. Especially when he plays with his older team. He doesn't get intimidated easily, though.
Moving up-field.

Coach Todd - Making a point.


Dave Cole said...

Must be a blast watching his games. I haven't been able to do anything like that since going to Hillary's crew regattas. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Anonymous said...

The profile of Johnny looks alot like you! :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.